Bislett stadium

Bislett stadium is the best known sporting venue in Norway both nationally and internationally.
Bislett is the sporting venue in Norway with in the highest usage rate in number of hours that is being used for training and competitions.
Bislett Games is held every year and is the largest international sporting event taking place in Norway.
A total of 70 athletics world records and 25 speed skating world records have been set at Bislett stadium.
Bislett is the home ground of the football club IL Skeid (level 3).
The stadium is frequently used by a large number of schools from all over the city for track and field training.
The Norwegian National football team also use Bislett for their trainings.
The stadium has become an eldorado for track and field training all year round. Bislett has a unique indoor 545 meter running track.
(Click th link at the bottom of the page to see all 69 world records.)
There are no parking areas on Bislett.
It is very easy to get to Bislett stadium without using a car.
Tram: Line 17 and 18
Bus: 21

Key Figures
• Arena for top-level athletes
• Arena for local sports associations and schools
• National arena for athletics
• Top-level football - pitch whitin international standards (68 x 105m)
• Spectator capacity 15,400
• Indoor running track
• Offices, meeting rooms and conference areas
• VIP - 3 boxes, 750 VIP seats
• Area of the buildings 18,300 m2
• Owner - The city of Oslo, Education and Cultural affairs