Information to Media 2025
Welcome to Wanda Diamond League - Oslo Bislett Games on June 12, 2025.
There will be some non-DL events at Bislett Stadium on Wednesday June 11 starting at 19:30. More information about this will be published here on this website by the middle of March.
The official hotel will be Thon Hotel Opera.
Accreditation deadline:
May 28th 23:59 CET
Some will have their accreditation confirmed when we receive it while others, unfortunately, will have to wait until Thursday May 29(the day after the accreditation deadline) when we will make the final approvements based on the number of applications versus the set number.
Accreditation pick up:
Your accreditation can be collected either at the MPC at Thon Hotel Opera during the opening hours or at the Press Centre at Bislett Stadium prior to the meeting.
Press Centre:
The MPC will be at Thon Hotel Opera.
Opening hours with staff:
Tuesday June 10
Wednesday June 11
Thursday June 12:
09:00-16:00. Possible to work in the MPC also after 16:00 but no staff.
Media Centre at Bislett opens at 16:00 on Thursday June 12.
Press conferences:
Tuesday June 10:
National athletes competing on Wednesday. Time and location TBC.
Wednesday June 11:
National athletes at Seb Coe room Bislett Stadium 17:00-18:00.
The main press conference will take place at Bislett from 19:00. Exact time TBC.
When you arrive at Oslo Airport Gardermoen:
Take the Airport Express to Oslo Central Station. Thon Hotel Opera is located at the train station.
From Thon Hotel Opera to Bislett during the week:
There will be official transport for media from nearby Thon Hotel Opera on the day of the meeting. For all other purpose you either walk or take the tram.
CIS on Web
We do not have CIS on the media tribune but those who want can get their unique code for CIS on web in the media centre on Thursday. Please ask our staff at the welcome desk at the stadium.
We are green
To reduce the environmental footprint of the Wanda Diamond League we try to print as little as possible, but we always offer print on demand.
Available in the MPC and at Bislett will be:
The one page version of the start lists per each event as well as the timetable
Photographers will be provided the condensed start lists.
Revised start lists and results.
Extended start list, mainly for TV-commentators. We will keep the MPC open on Wednesday until it is provided. Please order it in the MPC during the day.
You will also find all information linked digitally from this site.
Press releases:
Oslo Bislett Games earns platinum recognition for sustainable delivery.
The Olympic 100m champion ready for Oslo and Stockholm - 13.01.25.
Statistic material: TBA
Biographies: Provided by World Athletics.
Start lists: TBA
Pacing and heights: TBA after technical meeting
Flash quotes:
Mixed zone day of competition:
As Oslo Bislett Games is a late evening meeting, and a lot of the athletes are travelling to Stockholm on Friday morning, athletes can decide to spend a maximum of 20 minutes in mixed zone (after leaving RH-area). But it is up to one and each if they want to spend more time. Therefore, media representatives in categories WP, NRH and CC cannot expect to get 1:1 if the athlete wants a fast track. Then it will be like in championships when those who want to get comments make clusters.
RH = Right Holders. WP = Written Press. NRH = Non Right Holders. CC = Content Creators.
NEW in 2025:
To improve the working conditions for media, based on feedback from all parts, we have decided to introduce restrictions on the number of accreditations as well as moving the mixed zone for NRH and CC.
NRH = Non Right Holders. CC = Content Creators.
Infield photo and photo-briefing:
The infield list for photographs will be published here on Wednesday June 11 at 23:00.
These must attend a MANDATORY photo-briefing on Thursday 17:00 TBC at Bislett Stadion to receive an infield vest.
Meet in the press centre there.
There will be a Sony Imaging Pro Support at the press centre at Bislett on Thursday June 12.
On behalf of the LOC
Morten Olsen
Head of media